Thế mới làm lãnh đạo được

ứng cử viên quốc hội brooklyn hồi 19 tuổi từng... đứng xem một cặp đôi làm tình bên cửa sổ, và chổng mông chế nhạo họ :D

Emily Gallagher, who is mounting a primary challenge against Assemblyman Joe Lentol (D-Williamsburg), recounted the strange escapade in a 2003 Livejournal post back when she was a 19-year-old student at Ithaca College in upstate New York.

According to the post, Gallagher was visiting friends in Syracuse when she spotted (phát hiện ra, chợt thấy) a couple doing the dirty (làm điều bậy bạ) through a window and stopped to watch.

When the pair realized they had an audience Gallagher decided to dropped trou.

“Not only did I stare at people who were having sex in front of a window, but I remained even after they noticed me... I waved, smiled, and when the girl flipped out I mooned her," Gallagher wrote. "You’d think i was on drugs... but no!”

The 36-year-old community activist’s other past posts reveal similarly sophomoric behavior.

Bài trước: Cùng chung tiền nào
Tags: sex

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