"Out-Herod Herod" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Artem Maltsev on Unsplash

"Out-Herod Herod" -> nghĩa là rất độc ác, nhẫn tâm. Herod là vua của xứ Judea, ông đã ra lệnh thảm sát hàng loạt em bé trai theo như Kinh thánh để giết chúa Jesus.

Ví dụ
It is useless for us to repeat our praises (lời khen, ca ngợi) of Johnny Thompson, Billy Reeves, and others of the company, as negro (nguời da đen) delineators; they ‘out Herod Herod’ and put the darkies in the ‘peanut gallery’ fairly to the blush.

“They are humble, taking with huge respect every work they stage,” he said. “They do not want to out-Herod Herod, but rather follow what is done in the world and try to absorb (tiếp nhận) the best.”

Nothing can stop the Democrat desire (tham vọng) to MURDER babies. It out-Herod's Herod. Let us hope a RUTHLESS Supreme Court soon protects LIFE.

Ngọc Lân

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