"Put a halt to" nghĩa là gì?

Em đứng đó anh phải vượt qua làm sao Photo by Elisa Guarneros

'put a halt to something' nghĩa là (nguyên nhân/lý do) làm việc gì đó dừng lại, chấm dứt, kết thúc.

Ví dụ
The coronavirus pandemic put a halt to most professional and collegiate sports starting in March. But the United States Specialty Sports Association has resumed (tiếp tục lại) its softball schedule.

This week Rod returned to volunteering at the Gracie Dixon Centre, after COVID-19 restrictions had put a halt to entertaining more than three months ago. Rod started playing at the Gracie Dixon Centre when he was 69 years of age, to fill a void (lấp chỗ trống) after retiring from the railway and to help keep him active in the community.

But the COVID-19 crisis has put a halt to field work, among other activities. Officials say the search for a wild rhino has also been hampered (cản trở) by locals who refuse to allow any rhinos captured in their areas moved to the Kelian Lestari sanctuary (khu bảo tồn). They have demanded authorities build another facility in the area where the rhino is found and captured.

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