"Strange to relate" nghĩa là gì?

"Ồ, tôi xin từ chối hiểu tình hình này." :D Photo by Mike

"Strange to relate/tell/say" nghĩa là ngạc nhiên, có điều lạ, khác thường.

Ví dụ
Strange to relate, this ludicrous accoutrement (quân phục) was far from moving me to laughter.

This double mission was fulfilled by the Cardinal during the winter of 1214, and strange to say, he even gave absolution to the Count of Toulouse, but this act of mercy availed not as regarded the temporal interests of the latter.

It is strange to relate but, when she reappears in an old jumper of Ben's, my sister turns out to be a good person to talk to. We sit and talk and eat ginger snap biscuits in the newly white kitchen until the first pale fingers of dawn start to lighten the sky.

As I spoke, I could see that my voice caused no vibration (dao động) in the air that surrounded my mother's couch; still the impression produced by my earnest (nghiêm túc) will affected her. I saw a light play around her head, which, strange to relate, assumed my exact form, shape and attitude, only that it was a singularly pelite (loại đá vụn) miniature resemblance.

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