"That's the stuff" nghĩa là gì?

Bạn đã tìm được đúng người mà mình đang kiếm chưa? Photo by João Jesus from Pexels

"That's the stuff!" nghĩa là đó mới là cái đang cần.

Ví dụ
Adrenalin – that's the stuff to make your hair stand on end; full of kidney punch. Muscarine – not so pretty as scarlet toadstools (nấm), but just as good for giving you tummy-ache.

That's the stuff that keeps the lights on and the girls at Casa Happy in lingerie (đồ lót). This stuff we are looking at here is the kind of stuff that breaks piggy banks.

But he said after that you evidently made up your mind to shut up and stick to it. That's the stuff I like in a young man! That's the stuff that wins out. And don't think I don't understand.

That's the stuff I live with. That's the stuff I learn from. These two aren't kids. She 45 and he's probably older than she is. I've had friends tell me about their parents and their philandering (tán tỉnh) ways. We girls talk about this all the time.

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