"Use strong language" nghĩa là gì?

Đôi khi cứ thế bộc phát nói nặng lời. Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels

"Use strong language" nghĩa là nói nặng lời, chỉ trích gay gắt, xúc phạm hoặc đe dọa.

Ví dụ
By the time I began using REBT in January, 1955, I therefore had no difficulty using strong language and kept doing so.

Although bad language is not usually acceptable, when emotions are running high, it is normal for people to use strong language.

I have no doubt we should have some very lively proceedings indeed. But the Standing Orders, enforced by you, Mr. Speaker, prevent our using strong language, and we are checked at once if we use any language that is unparliamentary (trái với quy định của nghị viện).

Her compromise was to be sarcastic: “Well, you're very kind to me. I mean I gave you in the past things and it's – uhm – alright, no thank you.” In the same situation, Nogah wanted to use strong language but did not know how to say it in English in a way that would not sound too exaggerated.

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