"Vote into law" nghĩa là gì?

Người dân cũng có quyền được tham gia bầu chọn. Photo by annie bolin on Unsplash

"Vote (something) into law" nghĩa là bầu chọn đề xuất, quy định... trở thành quy định của luật pháp.

Ví dụ
They are criminals, and anyone who acts in accordance with what they have voted [into law] is a sinner (tội nhân) and an offender.

Social Security, for instance, was voted into law by huge majorities in both the House of Representatives (Hạ viện) (372-33 in favor) and the Senate (Thượng viện) (776).

All new social programs added to the federal budget must be voted into law by the voting public; they cannot be buried or covered up in another fund before it is passed into law.

After passage, the bill becomes law only when the President signs it. If the bill is vetoed by the President, it can become law should a two-thirds vote override the President's veto (phủ quyết). Once voted into law, most citizens accept that the law is binding.

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