"Who died and left you in charge" nghĩa là gì?

Đói dã họng rồi mà sếp chưa cho ăn nữa. Photo by Elina Sazonova from Pexels

"Who died and left you in charge?" = người chết hết rồi hay sao lại để cậu làm việc -> (tiếng lóng) nghĩa là thể hiện sự thất vọng đối với cách làm việc hách dịch của ai. 

Ví dụ 
He said (in so many words), “Who died and left you in charge? What makes you think you're the ruler and judge over us? Your record ain't squeaky clean (sạch bong).

'Why don't you just tell us next time, Jane, instead of making us guess?' Mary said, looking angrily at her sister. 
'Fine, I will, and anyway, who died and left you in charge?' 

"It would be a huge help," she said. “So, you'll start with the attic (gác mái)?” 
“Sure. Just tell me one thing: Who died and left you in charge?” 
She froze, and then, catching my smile, shook her head. “You know, you're an asshole.” 

A: "I'm hungry." My stomach is killing me. 
B: "No food until we get there." 
A: “Who died and left you in charge?” 
He smiles for the first time since this morning. “If you were in charge, we'd be headed for Lake Okeechobee.” We slog on without talking. The sound of our splashing (tiếng sóng vỗ) is comforting in a way. 

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