"Worth your while" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Harry Sandhu on Unsplash

"Worth your while" -> nghĩa là quan trọng, hữu dụng, xứng đáng với công sức bỏ ra.

Ví dụ
Time, cost and complexity (phức tạp) will determine (xác định) whether it's worth your while to hire a credit repair service or take on a dispute (tranh cãi) yourself.

As a beer, Rainbows Are Real has benefits (lợi ích) of its own; the New England style IPA uses Azacca, Citra, and Mosaic hops to create a juicy brew with very little bitterness (độ đắng). There are a lot of beers like this out there these days, but this one is worth your while.

This search will definitely yield (mang lại) a lot of results and it is up to you to check them all out respectively and see if any of those is worth your while and your money.

Ngọc Lân

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