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tòa án đức ra phán quyết 'hangover' (cảm giác buồn nản sau đêm say, ăn chơi trác táng, bia rượu) là một bệnh...
A German court has ruled hangovers are an "illness", in a case against the maker of an anti-hangover drink.

The firm was taken to court in Frankfurt after being accused of making illegal (phi pháp) health claims (tuyên bố về sức khỏe) about its anti-hangover shots and drinks powders.

In its ruling, the court said illnesses (bệnh, thời kỳ đau ốm) included even small or temporary changes (thay đổi nhiệt độ) to the body's normal state (trạng thái bình thường của cơ thể).

Food products (thực phẩm chức năng), including drinks, cannot be marketed (không được tiếp thị là) as being able to prevent (ngăn chặn) or treat (điều trị) illnesses, it added.

"Information about a food product cannot ascribe (gán cho, quy cho) any properties for preventing, treating or healing a human illness or give the impression of such a property," the superior regional court's ruling said.

"By an illness, one should understand even small or temporary disruptions to the normal state or normal activity of the body."

This, it said, includes the tiredness, nausea (buồn nôn) and headaches (đau đầu) commonly associated with hangovers - and which the company, which was not named in the ruling, claimed its shots and powders could cure.

Tags: beer

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