"All over hell and gone" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Louis Paulin on Unsplash

"All over hell and gone" -> nghĩa là khắp mọi nơi, trong khu vực rộng lớn.

Ví dụ
“There’s cats all over hell and gone out there now,” Roelke joked. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (successor to the old game commission) estimates (ước tính) there are now between 100 and 180 adult panthers roaming (lang thang) around. But that has created a new problem, because panthers need a lot of room to roam.

In Albuquerque we delivered the car to an old bitch who accused (buộc tôi) us of driving all over hell and gone. She refused to reimburse (hoàn trả) me for repairs because her contract said it was supposed to be delivered by October 20. I didn’t even leave New York until the twenty-third! The cops came and agreed with her side of the story and gave us twenty-four hours to get out of town. We had ten dollars between us so we hitched to Grants, New Mexico, where we were thrown in jail for seventy-two hours.

“Fundamentally (về cơ bản) cannabis is agriculture (nông nghiệp),” she said. “Cannabis is growing things and there is no proviso (điều khoản) if you want to grow ginseng or hothouse flowers. You can pour concrete all over hell and gone if you want to do that.

Ngọc Lân

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