"Along similar lines" nghĩa là gì?

Chắc chỉ người nước ngoài mới có nhiều ký ức với nó. Photo by Maarten van den Heuvel from Pexels

"Along similar lines" hoặc "along those lines" nghĩa là những điều tương tự, giống với điều khác.

Ví dụ
In fact, Wasserman suggests that his result might be quite general, and that many Standard Sorites Paradoxes could be reconstructed (tái tạo) along similar lines.

Some local authorities have introduced schemes (kế hoạch) for placing less severely handicapped people (người khuyết tật) in private homes, along similar lines to foster care schemes for children.

Working along similar lines, Kleinke (1977) observed that people are significantly more likely to return a dime left in a phone booth if the preceding “telephone caller” touched them than if he/she had not.

The tribes (bộ lạc) that were formerly sworn to drive the red dogs into the sea now offered their pledge (cam kết) to respect the treaty (hiệp ước) with Great Britain as long as sun and moon will shine, or something along those lines.

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