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học môn giải phẫu rất vui,

bộ xương mô hình giơ "ngón tay thối" vào nhà hàng xóm...

...Hogrebe of Cuyamungue, New Mexico, told Santa Fe County Sheriff’s deputies she was offended (bị xúc phạm) by the way the skeleton’s hand was posed — with the middle finger pointed up.

Hogrebe told the Santa Fe New Mexican the episode was the culmination (lên tới đỉnh điểm) of a monthslong feud (mối thù truyền kiếp) between her and neighbor Joseph Downs, who she said has hassled (quấy rối) her family and other nearby residents (cư dân).

Bài trước: Nghiệp chướng
Tags: funny

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