"As much as the traffic will bear" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Blake Wisz on Unsplash

"As much as the traffic will bear" = nhiều hàng hóa nhất có thể mang theo -> nghĩa là số tiền lớn nhất mà khách hàng sẵn lòng trả. 

Ví dụ
Most of us who freelance (làm tự do) can charge as much as the traffic will bear, and work for as many clients as we can. It's up to us. 

The railroad (đường sắt) companies will charge as much as the traffic will bear and the law and competition will allow, as we all know. 

The attitude (quan điểm) of all sellers is they want as much $ as the traffic will bear but things got expressed differently with diffferent products.

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