"Beneath my dignity" nghĩa là gì?

Phẩm chất quý ông. Photo by Gian Paolo Aliatis on Unsplash

"Beneath (one's) dignity" nghĩa là làm giảm giá trị bản thân, không xứng đáng với phẩm cách của mình.

Ví dụ
Is it beneath your dignity to deny what Dietze said under oath when he identified you as a Communist (Cộng sản)?

Do you believe that certain tasks are beneath your dignity or position? If you answer yes to any of those questions, then your attitude is not as good as it could be.

'If you don't like it,' he said, 'you can have Martin. Or so I would suppose. But her ladyship seems to hold it beneath her dignity to stir until you have to be got on your feet. That's why it's me. Nothing's beneath my dignity, of course I hope the tea's all right. I made it.'

It's beneath my dignity to be pokin' around (tìm kiếm) after logs, because I'm a sea-captain. But that has nothin' to do with you. It's beneath my dignity to go bare-footed, but it's all right for you. It's beneath my dignity to go to school, but not for you, see?

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