Cho chúng tôi trứng với

người phụ nữ bỉ nghĩ mình là gà, do trầm cảm...

The 54-year-old woman, who had no history of drug or alcohol abuse, was found by her brother in her garden clucking and blowing her cheeks before crowing like a rooster (gà trống).

On arrival at an accident and emergency ward, the woman had expressed her conviction (sự nhận thức thấy tội lỗi) and had spoken of feeling new sensations in her limbs.

Following a seizure (sự bị ngập máu, sự lên cơn; cơn tai biến ngập máu...; xuất huyết não), the thoughts no longer plagued the woman and she was said to be embarrassed by the episode, of which her memory was impaired.

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Tags: funny


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