"Cause the ruin of" nghĩa là gì?

Một tác động nhỏ cũng có thể khiến vật thể bị hủy hoại. Photo by Lindeboom Jean-Bapt from Pexels

"Cause the ruin of" nghĩa là gây ra sự đổ nát hoặc tàn phá cái gì.

Ví dụ
Do not let what you eat cause the ruin of one for whom Christdied.

The rents of the landlords (địa chủ) might be reduced without causing the ruin of the agricultural classes.

In particular, he noticed if we say that non-Euclidean geometries (hình học) cause the ruin of the Kantian theory of space, then we necessarily have also to say that relativity (thuyết tương đối) causes the ruin of his theory of time.

Considering the moral (đạo đức) person of the State as a being produced by reason because it is not a man, he might wish the enjoy the rights of the citizen without wanting to fulfill the duties (làm tròn nghĩa vụ) of the subject, an injustice (bất công) whose spread would cause the ruin of the body politic.

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