"Cold day in July" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by:  Fezbot2000 on Unsplash

"Cold day in July" = ngày tháng bảy lạnh lẽo -> nghĩa là khoảng thời gian hoặc sự kiện sẽ không bao giờ xảy ra. 

Ví dụ
It will be a cold day in July when Letterkenny Season 3 debuts (ra mắt) on CraveTV.

When pigs fly, a cold day in July, when monkeys fly out of, well, you get the idea. These are things that are never going to happen. How about when dogs drive? Because that one's been happening a lot lately and this joyriding (đi chơi lén bằng xe người khác) pooch is the latest.

It once was said that it would be a cold day in July when Hooters came to Abilene. At the same time, a certain locale (nơi xảy ra sự việc) also beginning with "H" would freeze over.

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