"Come out in favor of" nghĩa là gì?

Hãy lên tiếng vì mọi người và vì chính mình. Photo by Andrew McMurtrie from Pexels

"Come out in favor of (someone or something)" nghĩa là lên tiếng ủng hộ ai/ điều gì.

Ví dụ
Australian doctor has come out in favor of everyone's secret' pastime: nose-picking (ngoáy mũi).

The state chapters of the American Heart Association and the American Lung Association, as well as several other health groups, have come out in favor of the tax. They do not make campaign contributions (đóng góp).

If you come out in favor of the militias (lực lượng dân quân), you poison the message, and everybody thinks we're just another hate group. Another McVeigh. If you come out against them, then it looks like we're trying to distance ourselves from the association, like we've got something to hide.

Is your mind open or closed about the possibility that the Bible alone will make all things clear? Whatever you decide, I hope you feel that you can “come out” about your view on the Bible. In the hopes that you will come out in favor of it once more, allow me to share with you now the kind of love found within the Scriptures, a love that is hardly known, a love that you yourself may not entirely remember, a love that will be there for you as long as you breathe.

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