"Find true north" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Natalie Rhea Riggs on Unsplash

"Find true north" = tìm phương bắc -> nghĩa là đi/xuất phát đúng hướng, đúng đường.

Ví dụ
But boats like the Willowy use a gyrocompass, which is able to find true north using gravity (trọng lực) and the Earth's axis (trục) of rotation instead of the magnetic north. However, if the gyrocompass fails, it could cause the same problem the tanker experienced.

Weeks later, they were back at it on another late-night show. This time, they wore dark sweaters and glimmering (le lói, chập chờn) necklaces, singing in the shadows behind an autotuned Pharrell. “When your trajectory was off and you couldn’t find true north, just lost” Pharrell sang to the camera.

Another cool new feature (tính năng) is the built-in compass which cannot only help you find true north and give you an easier way to navigate but also offer information like incline (độ nghiêng) and elevation (độ cao).

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