"For the duration" nghĩa là gì?

Lá lành đùm lá rách, thời buổi đại dịch này một ít cũng là nhiều. Photo by Sara Benavides

"For the duration" nghĩa là trong suốt một quãng thời gian, khoảng thời gian mà một sự việc tồn tại.

Ví dụ
American billionaires have made $42,000,000,000 a week for the duration of the pandemic.

This coming Fourth of July, there will be no firework stands in Tracy “for the duration.”

The Gifted episode 5 straight up looks like a damn whole movie. The way the storyline (cốt truyện) is executed well & it made everyone hold their breath for the whole duration of only one episode.

I believe that if we could get for the duration of this emergency from this committee (ủy ban) some sort of bill to afford relief for the low-paid employees, such as the guards who receive only $105 a month-and it is a misnomer (dùng thuật ngữ sai) to call that man a guard when he worked for such a measly (vô giá trị) pay-it would be a step in the right direction and be somewhat beneficual.

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