"For the life of me" nghĩa là gì?

Nhìn hoa mắt vẫn chả hiểu gì. Photo by Rodrigo Santos from Pexels

"For the life of (one)" nghĩa là dù cố gắng đến đâu, ngay cả phụ thuộc cả mạng sống. Nếu nói "cannot for the life of you understand or remember something" nghĩa là đang nhấn mạnh rằng bạn không thể hiểu hoặc nhớ nó dù cố gắng thế nào.

Ví dụ
I do not, for the life of me, understand the Chicago COVID dashboard math.

I'm sorry but I can't for the life of me understand your point. Are you not a real Latino if you're a citizen in the eyes of republicans? Are you less of a Latino if you're not an immigrant (dân nhập cư)?

The word "Plan Number Six, Plan Number Six, Plan Number Six" repeated themselves in my mind like a mantra (thần chú) and brought me a small measure of comfort, though I couldn't recall for the life of me what Plan Number Six was.

When he and Sachs went to take a driving test, Kissinger flunked, then proceeded to flunk (trượt) it twice more.
"For the life of me, I don't understand why I kept failing it," he later said, though some people who have driven with him can suggest a variety of possible reasons.

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