"Hold in low regard" nghĩa là gì?

Đừng phớt lờ cảm xúc của trẻ, chúng rất dễ tổn thương. Photo by Emre Kuzu from Pexels

"Hold (someone or something) in low regard" nghĩa là thiếu tôn trọng, coi thường, nghĩ xấu về ai/điều gì.

Ví dụ
A nation cannot at the same time honor the rule of law and hold its courts in low regard.

Your best opinions are those you hold in low regard. Only such humble opinions will always be whittled (chắt lọc) and moulded (nhào nặn) to accurately fit the facts as you know them.

Insects, which humans generally hold in low regard (we'd love to expunge (loại bỏ) many ofthem from the face ofthe Earth altogether), are so important, says Eldredge, that “humanity probably could not last for more than a few months” without them.

They expect a negative reaction and can even become paranoid (hoang tưởng) thinking that others are always critical of them or hold them in low regard. This style of thinking causes someone to become very introspective (hay nội tâm) and nervous, and it can make your child lose confidence, isolating themselves from others so as hot to risk imagined judgment (phán xét) or condemnation (lên án).

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