"In a tight corner" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Soroush Karimi on Unsplash

"In a tight corner" = trong góc hẹp -> nghĩa là trong tình huống khó xử/khó khăn, không dễ dàng thoát ra.

Ví dụ
He’s not providing federal guidance (chỉ đạo) let alone (sẽ không bao giờ xảy ra) funding for schools to safely reopen, just pushing for enough of a return to normal to get him through November. And, if that helps erode the public school system and puts mostly Democratic and unionized (tổ chức thành công đoàn) teachers in a tight corner, that’s icing on his filthy cake.

"Iran is really in a tight corner," historian (nhà sử học) Dr Menahem Merhavy from Tel Aviv University, who focuses on Iran, said.

Masuku has been placed in a tight corner by the revelations, with mounting calls by ANC alliance (liên minh) partners in Gauteng for him to step aside from his post, in a similar manner to what Diko did from her duties as Ramaphosa's spokesperson.

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