"Let’s do lunch sometime" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

"Let’s do lunch (sometime)" hoặc "let’s do the lunch thing" nghĩa là lúc nào đó hãy gặp nhau và đi ăn trưa.

Ví dụ
Let's do lunch. I mean really—let's talk about lunch in ways that we never, ever do.

Canwd you're really wholesome (khỏe). I've always enjoyed randomly bumping into (tình cờ gặp) you on campus! Let's do the lunch date thing again pls.

A: "Please let's do. I 'm sure we'll see each other soon. Let's do lunch sometime. ”
B: “Well lunch is kind of hard for me with my schedule at the hospital, hut we'll get together."

"Let's do lunch. On me.”
I laughed, grabbing for his arm to keep the world from spinning. “It's always on you, Lee. Maybe this one should be on me—as thanks for being a great tugboat (tàu kéo)."

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