"Luckily for you" nghĩa là gì?

May mắn vì đã tìm thấy nhau. Photo by Studio Negarin from Pexels

"Luckily for (one)" hoặc "lucky for (one)" = may mắn cho bạn -> nghĩa là người nói có ý nhấn mạnh sự kiện/câu chuyện được nói đến sau đó hoặc trước đó có lợi cho bạn, giúp bạn thoát khỏi tình huống không may. Cụm từ thường đứng đầu hoặc cuối mệnh đề.

Ví dụ
Only it won't be so lucky for you if this case ever comes to trial.

Luckily for you, your husband is a sound sleeper, and is sleeping through the whole commotion (bạo động). Your parents call, to inform you that, they were on their way, as well as the police. As you hang up the phone, the police is already at your door.

Luckily for you, my kind heart has prevailed (thắng thế) and I'm willing to tell you my plan, but you must give me your word, as a perfect gentle knight, not to embark (lao vào) on any other adventures until you have brought this one to successful completion.

Negro, you must think I'm a fool. You would go crazy if Nokea had been with me or anybody else and you know it. There's no way you would be able to handle what you dished out to her. Luckily for you, Nokea is not capable of bringing that kind of hurt to you.

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