"Make your position clear" nghĩa là gì?

Chia sẻ quan điểm để cùng hiểu nhau hơn. Photo by Matheus Bertelli from Pexels

"Make (one's) position clear" nghĩa là làm rõ quan điểm.

Ví dụ
This is an opportunity to develop a rationale (cơ sở lý luận) and make your position clear to others.

The debate over the grounds for historical knowledge gave Dewey even greater opportunity to make his position clear.

And perhaps he could make his position clear, he thought. Persuade her that their marriage could be dissolved (hủy bỏ) with honor, could leave her unharmed, once he escorted (hộ tống) her home to the safety of her family.

Carl Schurz, another Lincoln ally (đồng minh) with strong ties to the radicals (người cấp tiến), warned the president in May of 1862 that he was not making his position clear to the most ardently (hăng hái) anti-slavery Republican voters in the North.

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