Thật quá tiện

người đàn ông trung niên bị mất chim do nhiễm trùng máu, đã được bác sĩ đầu ngày cấy cho một cái... ở tay :D
When he lost his penis (dương vật) to a blood infection (nhiễm trùng máu), Malcolm MacDonald underwent a groundbreaking procedure (phẫu thuật cực kỳ sáng tạo) to have a new one grown on his arm, before it could be grafted (cấy, ghép) to his groin (háng). However, medical delays  (chậm trễ y tế) have left the 45-year-old with the penis attached to his forearm (cẳng tay) for the last four years.

MacDonald told The Sun he was “completely gutted” when his penis fell off in 2014, after an infection in his perineum ((giải phẫu) đáy chậu (vùng giữa hậu môn và bộ phận sinh dục)) – otherwise known as the “gooch” or “grundle” – turned into sepsis ((y học) sự nhiễm trùng)

...The father of two turned to alcohol, feeling like “a shadow of a man” for the two years after losing his penis, until his GP referred him to Professor David Ralph, a phallus (tượng dương vật (để tôn thờ, biểu tượng cho sức sinh sản của thiên nhiên)) construction expert at University College Hospital London (UCHL).

Dr Ralph – who, in 2018, created a “bionic penis” for a British man who was born without one – told MacDonald he would be able to build him a penis out of skin from his left arm. In a £50,000 NHS-funded procedure, doctors were able to roll this skin – containing nerves and blood vessels – into the shape of a penis, before adding a urethra ((giải phẫu) niệu đạo (ống dẫn nước tiểu từ bàng quang ra ngoài cơ thể), đường niệu, ống đái) and two tubes that will allow MacDonald to pump the appendage into an erection (cương cứng).

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