Giá trị của Mount Rushmore

chẳng có vị gì,

chỉ là tắc nghẽn ở đó, thì giảm tắc nghẽn chỗ khác mà thôi (là điều tốt :)
I went there once, I think in 1988. To me it was a nightmare (ác mộng), aesthetically (có thẩm mỹ) and otherwise. The art of the monument was “not even as good as fascism.” (Various Soviet-era memorials are far superior as well.) I am not into the whole cancelling thing, but I didn’t feel I needed to pay additional homage (tỏ lòng tôn kính, kính trọng) to a bunch of well-known presidents. The surrounding food scene appeared quite mediocre, although probably that has improved. Overall it was crowded, tacky, and unpleasant, with absolutely nothing of value to do.

The main value of the scene was to liberate (giải phóng) space and ease congestion (tắc nghẽn) in other parts of the universe, so I certainly hope they never abolish it.

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