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giá nhà ở thành phố ít đắt đỏ nhất của new zealand là Palmerston North gấp năm lần thu nhập trung vị... giá bất động sản trung bình ở đây lên gần nửa triệu usd, đắt ngang hong kong, San Francisco, Sydney hay Vancouver...

Mr. Pavletich, one of the report's authors, said smaller markets like Tauranga, a coastal city on the North Island with a population of 128,000, had seen an influx of people (dòng người (di cư)) who had left Auckland in search of more affordable housing. Average property values (giá bất động sản trung bình) in Tauranga had risen to $497,000 from $304,000 in the last five years, and Demographia now rated it among the 10 least affordable cities in the world — along with famously expensive locales such as Hong Kong, San Francisco, Sydney and Vancouver, British Columbia.

prof. tyler: People, I have been to Palmerston North (though not Tauranga, which seemed too empty (hoang vắng) and remote (xa xôi, hẻo lánh), now the fifth largest urban cluster in a country of 4.8 million), way back in the 1990s, and I recall a feeling of dullness (tính đều đều buồn tẻ, chán ngắt, vẻ tẻ ngắt; vẻ tối tăm, vẻ âm u, vẻ u ám, vẻ ảm đạm) above all else. If you had asked me whether this outcome was possible, I sooner would have thought Donald Trump would be elected president.

Tags: economics

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