3 khuyết tật của CNTB

- coi trọng vật chất hơn các giá trị khác,
- tạo ra người thắng vs kẻ thua,
- xói mòn cộng đồng,

luôn có thể chỉ trích cntb vì 3 khuyết tật này, nhưng để "loại bỏ" những khuyết tật này mà ko gây ra vấn đề tồi tệ hơn thì còn khó hơn nhiều...
Russ Roberts writes,

I think a lot of people are attracted to socialism because they believe it means capitalism without the parts they don’t like. How to get there from here is left unspecified.

I think that this critique needs to be made more often. When Marx says “from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs,” (làm theo năng lực, hưởng theo nhu cầu) how does that play out? Who becomes a sanitation worker (công nhân vệ sinh) and who becomes a movie actress (nữ diễn viên điện ảnh)? If we all take turns doing everything, not much will get done. Without specialization (chuyên môn hóa), economic activity (hoạt động kinh tế) will collapse (sụp đổ). But if we choose our specialties (khả năng đặc biệt, năng lực) voluntarily (tự nguyện), based on our preferences (ưa thích, sở thích) without regard to market forces (lực lượng thị trường), we will have a surplus of movie actresses and a shortage of sanitation workers.

Capitalism will never be perfect. In Three Problems with Capitalism, I wrote,

Capitalist societies have three problems:
They elevate material values over others.
They create winners and losers.
They undermine communities.

You can always criticize capitalist societies on these grounds. But getting rid of these problems without creating worse problems is a lot trickier.

Tags: economics


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