"Pack a gun" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Josh Danyliw on Unsplash

"Pack a gun" -> nghĩa là có súng trong tay, được trang bị vũ khí. 

Ví dụ
It's just absolutely unbelievable and it's a dishonor and disservice (báo hại) to all the men and women that pack a gun every day, put themselves in harm's way while they're trying to keep our borders (biên giới) safe.

These girls pretend they work at an ice cream parlor (cửa hàng) but instead, they pack a gun and chase down bad guys. Young, impressionable (dễ bị ảnh hưởng) children really shouldn't be learning how to create an alias (bí danh) and evade their parents in this manner, especially if they're too young to adequately separate facts from fiction when exposed to TV.

Experts remind travelers the right way to pack a gun is to make sure it’s unloaded (không có đạn) inside of a hard case with a lock.

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