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các quảng cáo/biện pháp "làm to dương vật" không thật sự hiệu quả... :D
Procedures (thủ tục) to make penises (dương vật) larger do not work, are “ineffective (không hiệu quả) and risky (nguy hiểm)” and leave many men physically or psychologically scarred (để lại sẹo, tổn thương), research reveals, with an expert saying they should almost never be carried out and saying that men were being exploited by “charlatans” (lang băm).

There is “scant” (ít ỏi, hiếm hoi) evidence (bằng chứng) that the range of procedures men undergo in a bid to enlarge (làm to) their penis actually produce that result.

The treatments carry a high risk of complications (biến chứng), including permanent (mãi mãi) numbness (tình trạng tê liệt, tình trạng chết lặng đi), a review of the available evidence concluded. And most men who undergo penile extension are dissatisfied (không hài lòng, thất vọng) with the results afterwards.

Tags: sex


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