"Play by your own rules" nghĩa là gì?

Đã đến lúc bạn làm chủ cuộc chơi! Photo by Rene Asmussen from Pexels

"Play by (one's) own rules" = chơi theo luật của riêng mình -> nghĩa là không muốn làm theo quy tắc, luật lệ của ai khác ngoài chính mình tự đặt ra.

Ví dụ
Think outside the box, strive (cố gắng) to achieve your goals and play by your own rules. In other words: think for yourself.

You cursed (nguyền rủa) me out. You cursed Jamison out. You cursed Mother Taylor out! You play by your own rules and I admire that so much.

Whatever external voices stating that you must conform (làm theo), if you are to be worthy of the breath in you, then you must play by your own rules.

A lot of successful people seem to agree with me, because this method of getting what you want is exactly what “playing by your own rules” is all about. You have played by someone else's set of rules all of your life: your parents' rules, your school's rules, your boss's rules. It's time to follow your own rules and follow in the footsteps of millions of successful people that did it before you.

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