"Put no stock in" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Chris Liverani

"Put no stock in (something)" = không bỏ vốn vào -> nghĩa là không quan tâm/chú ý; không chấp nhận hoặc đặt niềm tin vào điều gì.

Ví dụ
“We put no stock in public polls of any kind,” Trump campaign spokesperson Tim Murtaugh told reporters this week. He said voters will sour on Biden once they hear more about his policies and see him in action. “The great American comeback is already underway, and they are thanks to the Trump policies.”

Asked about the new surveys, Trump re-election campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh told reporters on Thursday that "we put no stock in public polls of any kind." And pointing specifically to the New York Times/Siena national and battleground state polls, Murtaugh argued that the surveys included "an under sampling of Republicans."

The famously churlish (cáu kỉnh, thô bỉ) old man, who rented out cabins at nearby Spirit Lake, put no stock in warnings that the volcano (núi lửa), inactive for more than a century, was about to blow. Telltale earthquakes were frequent there through the early spring of 1980, a hole opened in the ice cap at the summit, and a black plume of ash (tàn tro) and smoke began drifting out.

Ka Tina

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