"That's easy for you to say" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Clay Banks

"That's easy for you to say" = nói như bạn thì dễ thôi -> nghĩa là bạn dễ dàng nói ra điều đó vì nó không ảnh hưởng tới mình giống như với người khác.

Ví dụ
“That’s easy for you to say. You’re not the one being stared down by these home made goodies. Could I have one now, and a couple later?” he asked,.

“That’s easy for you to say. I’m the one under attack here. Does it have a stinger? Oh no, it could sting me and I might die out here. I want my mommy.”

And I looked at him and I said, “Yeah, that’s easy for you to say because you have money. If you don’t have the money, like me, you’re struggling for the money.” And he looked at me, and it’s 33 years ago now, it was 1987, he looked at me, he said, “No, you’ll see someday when you have money, you’ll realize it’s important, but it’s not the most important.” I know that probably sounds cliché (nói sáo, rập khuôn). I came from a blue-collar neighborhood. So, we were always budgeted, and we were always struggling with dough. So, I thought it was going to be the most important thing and the elixir (thuốc luyện đan, thuốc tiên) of life. But it’s not, it’s not.

Ka Tina

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