"The odds are against us" nghĩa là gì?

Họ xứng đáng được hạnh phúc bên nhau. Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

"The odds are against one" = lợi thế chống lại -> nghĩa là không còn lợi thế, gặp bất lợi, khó khăn. 

Ví dụ
The odds are against us, but we are going to do this.

The odds are against the cycling age, too. Employments elsewhere are always at risk. So, the mind should race the feet.

The couples sharing in this book started off wrong; the odds were against them. Their marriages were ill-timed (không đúng lúc). Preparation was poor and maturity (trưởng thành) was low, with little foundation for a secure future.

The odds are against them from the day they meet but Ivan's determination (quyết tâm) and Lara's love surmount (vượt qua) all obstacles including their language barrier (bất đồng ngôn ngữ). It is a tale of high adventure and a daily challenge to the bonds that hold them together.

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