"The opiate of the masses" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Johen Redman on Unsplash

"The opiate of the masses" = thuốc phiện của quần chúng -> nghĩa là điều tạo ra hạnh phúc/mãn nguyện giả. Phỏng theo mô tả của Karl Marx về tôn giáo.

Ví dụ
Religion’s an addictive drug, the ‘opiate of the masses’ Karl Marx called it, and one of the most difficult addictions (chất gây nghiện) to give up.

Reading may not be the opiate of the masses, but it sure is my anti-anxiety elixir (thuốc tiên) of choice. Whether you're quaking (run rẩy) in fear of the dreaded coronavirus (as I was), relieved to be recovering from it (as I am), or worried about the world and feeling restlessly cooped up (as we all are), here are a trio of delightful new books that can transport you to a happier place for hours at a time.

“Religion is the opiate of the masses.” Except in today’s world, gathering (tụ tập) for religious services is the sickness (căn bệnh) of the masses.

Ngọc Lân

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