"Turn your caps lock off" nghĩa là gì?

"Turn your caps lock off" = tắt nút caps lock đi -> đây là câu nhắc nhở 'đừng viết hoa nữa' với ai đang nhắn tin hoặc viết bài toàn bằng chữ hoa (có thể do sơ suất hay cố ý như muốn hét vào mặt người khác).

Ví dụ
Turn your caps lock off mate because it makes you look like a troll as well as being stupid.

ARE YOU YELLING?!?! Because that's what using all caps looks like. Unless you want to give your email recipient a heart attack, turn your CAPS LOCK off. And while you're at it, ease off on all the exclamation points.

I don't know who needs to hear this in 2020, but turn your caps lock off. Messages in all caps are the equivalent of yelling at someone, so unless they just told you they're pregnant with triplets (con sinh ba) (CONGRATS!) or just drove your car into a ravine (hẻm núi) (WHAT?!), there's absolutely no reason to shout. 

Ka Tina

Tags: phrase

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