Nghịch dại

bộ tài chính mỹ cho rằng việt nam thao túng tiền tệ...
The Treasury Department has determined (xác nhận, xác quyết rằng) that Vietnam depressed (làm giảm sút, làm suy nhược/suy yếu) its currency in 2019, a finding that will open the door to tariffs (đánh thuế) on tires (lốp xe) from Vietnam and provide the first test case of a Trump administration initiative to tariff countries for alleged (cáo buộc, kết án) currency manipulation (thao túng tiền tệ).

...The particular case is limited in scope, and the tariffs being pursued in the case will affect only passenger vehicle (xe chở khách) and light truck tires from Vietnam, of which the U.S. imported about $470 million in 2019, less than 1% of imports from Vietnam that year, which totaled about $67 billion.

But trade analysts (nhà phân tích thương mại) say the finding has broad implications because it implies that all goods from Vietnam in 2019 benefited from the subsidy (trợ cấp).

Bài trước: Xử án ngày hè
Tags: economics

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