"Ye gods and little fishes!" nghĩa là gì?

 Photo by: Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

"Ye gods and little fishes!" -> câu cảm thán bộc lộ cảm xúc bất ngờ, ngạc nhiên hoặc hoài nghi/ngờ vực. 

Ví dụ

Never mind if the wine is good (or bad). It’s fun to read the label! Ye gods and little fishes … I can just see all these “millennials” peering (nhìn chằm chằm) at their smartphones absorbing the story and ignoring the actual wine itself. 

Ye gods and little fishes, that first panel speaks so loudly, let alone the explanations – if that’s really an apt (thích hợp) term for a problem so intangible (mơ hồ), yet omnipresent (có mặt ở khắp nơi). Is it okay if I share this around, duly credited, and with a link here?

Ye gods and little fishes! After a few errant (lang thang, lạc đề) initial (ban đầu) comments, the comment section actually talk about cars.

Ngọc Lân

Bài trước: "Get in the groove" nghĩa là gì

Tags: phrase

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