Cứ tưởng chuyện đương nhiên

sau 3 năm tranh đấu, giờ phụ nữ Afghanistan mới được ghi tên mình trong... giấy khai sinh của con...

Using the hashtag #WhereIsMyName, campaigners pushed for the right of women to be named on official documents including children's birth certificates, which previously named only the father.

The President signed the amendment after Parliament had delayed passing the changes, which were scheduled for discussion last week.

"I feel like a bird in a cage whose door has just been opened (chim xổ lồng), achieving the dream of flying in the sky," said activist Sonia Ahmadi, who joined the campaign when it began in 2017.

"My feeling of happiness may seem ridiculous (buồn cười, lố bịch) for women in other countries, but when we live in a society where women are physically and spiritually excluded, achieving such basic rights (quyền cơ bản) is a big and difficult task (nhiệm vụ lớn lao/khó khăn)."

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