Có rút lại chưa nhỉ?

Hà Lan cấm du lịch phố đèn đỏ (hiệu lực từ 1/1/2020, bài tháng 3/2019), vì khách... không tôn trọng 'công nhân tình dục',

“It is no longer acceptable in this age to see sex workers as a tourist attraction,” city councillor Udo Kock said. A survey has shown that 80% of sex workers say gawping (trố mắt nhìn, nhìn trâng tráo) tourists are bad for their business and councillors (ủy viên hội đồng) last year suggested moving the red light district to another part of the city.

Fuelled by cheap flights and online booking, tourist numbers in Amsterdam – a city of 850,000 residents – rose to 19 million in 2018, with mayor Femke Halsema predicting 29 million by 2025. The medieval city centre is becoming increasingly unlivable, residents say.

Tags: sex

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