Suy nghĩ về thực trạng đạo đức xã hội hiện nay

ko phải cứ theo đạo thì ít hành vi phi đạo đức và tội phạm hơn đâu, tôn giáo chỉ là một nhân tố, còn trường học và các tổ chức cộng đồng nữa...
Dear Dan,

Religion (tôn giáo) is supposed to make people behave (cư xử, hành xử) better, but do more religious societies actually have less unethical behavior and crime?

I wish it was that simple. Research suggests that religion can play an important role (đóng vai trò quan trọng) in fostering ethical behavior, but its effects aren’t consistent across the board. A recent paper in the journal Psychological Science examined crime data from 1945 to 2010 for over 170 countries and found that as religious affiliation went down, homicide rates (tỷ lệ tội giết người) tended to go up—but only in areas with relatively low aggregate intelligence scores. How causation works among these variables isn’t clear, but I suspect that areas with higher intelligence scores are more likely to have institutions such as schools and community organizations that help to foster ethical behavior. So while religion isn’t the only factor, some kind of strong social institutions are crucially important for curbing our worst impulses.

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