Cú huých để giảng viên đại học thêm yêu nghề

không phải cứ thu nhập cao là đóng góp cho xã hội cao,

ví dụ, nghề giáo chưa được xã hội đánh giá đúng,

nghiên cứu cho thấy, nếu thay một giáo viên ở mức 5% dưới đáy bằng một giáo viên trung bình thì thu nhập toàn dòng đời của các sinh viên một lớp tăng 250.000 usd,

hy vọng một ngày nào đó, xã hội sẽ phát triển để trả lương cho mọi người theo đúng đóng góp của họ cho lợi ích của tất cả những người khác...
Dear Dan,

Do people’s salaries tend to accurately reflect the value they contribute to society? Can we assume that if someone makes a lot of money, they are adding significantly more value than someone who makes only a little?

On the contrary, there are many people who create a lot of value and don’t get paid much, as well as many who create very little value and get paid well. One of the best examples of this mismatch is teachers. A paper by Raj Chetty and colleagues in the American Economic Review estimated how much of an impact teachers have on the future of the students in their classes.

They found that students with strong teachers are more likely to attend college, have higher lifetime salaries and are less likely to become pregnant as teenagers. They estimated that replacing a teacher in the bottom 5% with an average teacher would increase their students’ lifetime income by $250,000 per classroom. Yet obviously, teachers don’t make anywhere close to that figure. Maybe one day we will evolve as a society and base people’s salaries on their actual contribution to the common good.

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