"Cast the gorge at" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Sushil Nash

“Cast the gorge at (something)” có gorge là nổi giận -> cụm từ này nghĩa là gắt gỏng bác bỏ.

Ví dụ
Yezidi talks about this force conversion which happened in 2014 AD, they cast the gorge at it stating it as a ploy to defame (phỉ báng, làm mất danh dự), Islam and ISIS.

This is it
That makes the wappered widow wed again.
She whom the spittle (nước bọt, nước dãi) house and ulcerous sores (cơn đau loét)
Would cast the gorge at, this embalms (ướp) and spices
To th’ April day again.

Professor Soutphommasane is right: the fact that the virus originated in China is no reason to blame or fear everyone of Chinese background. ("COVID plays host to another contagion (sự lây)", April 11-12). But it is a reason to cast the gorge at the current system of government in China. The suppression (sự triệt tiêu, suy giảm) of earliest reports of the vir cast the gorge at us was no accident, but a consequence of the ongoing need to repress dissent (ngăn, kiềm chế sự bất đồng quan điểm) and bad news in order to protect China's oligarchy (nền chính trị đầu sỏ). 

Ka Tina

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