"Compromise your principles" nghĩa là gì?

Đừng dễ dàng thỏa hiệp, được 1 lần ắt sẽ có nhiều lần. Photo by Emma Ruth Hughes

"Compromise (with) (one's) principles" nghĩa là thoả hiệp, từ bỏ, hoặc đi ngược lại niềm tin, nguyên tắc, phương châm của một người.

Ví dụ
For all practical purposes (về cơ bản), compromising your values or principles is the same as siding with the enemy. Describe one situation in which you were challenged to compromise your principles but you refused.

If we compromise the foundational (nền tảng) principles of the European Union for immediate economic gain – as it currently relates to our relationship with China, for example – it will be a small step from there to abandon (từ bỏ) the Union altogether when the economic incentives change, or indeed when the domestic politics in one country or another change. Brexit has already shown that this can happen.

That’s what makes Chadwick Boseman so important to the Black community. He was and is a celluloid monument (tượng đài điện ảnh) as powerful as the Lincoln Memorial, a visual manifestation (biểu hiện) of the qualities African Americans strive (cố gắng) for, so that his name itself conjures (gợi lên) the image of a Black man with integrity (chính trực) and courage. Someone devoted to truth and an unwillingness to compromise his principles.

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