"Correct the press" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Markus Spiske on Unsplash

"Correct the press" có press là in ấn -> cụm từ này nghĩa là sửa bản in, chữa lỗi in.

Ví dụ
A press release by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about Nepal’s head of the state’s message of sympathy (cảm thương) and grief (chia buồn) to Indonesian President Joko Widodo had a serious typo. The disastrous (thảm họa) typo that occurred in the release--“Sent a message of congratulations” on “the loss of many lives”--caught social media users’ attention instantly and the ministry had to correct the press release urgently.

Jamil quickly tweeted Tuesday to correct the press release, saying she would only be judging (phán xét) the competition, while Wesley would serve as host. "Reading an inaccurate press release about our new show yesterday was upsetting, and it triggered a lot of incorrect news articles about it," she wrote.

Davis says Cohen testified (chứng tỏ) truthfully and was unable to correct the press reports due to the ongoing criminal investigation. Cohen pleaded guilty Tuesday to campaign-finance violations and other charges.

According to Pawel­czak, the “Rough Journal of Congress” records an order “That the committee appointed to prepare the declaration, superintend (giám sát) & correct the press.”

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