"First catch your hare" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Andy Brunner on Unsplash

"First catch your hare" = cứ bắt được thỏ đã -> nghĩa là phải đạt được cái gì trước hết rồi mới quyết định làm gì với nó; chưa đẻ chớ vội đặt tên.

Ví dụ
Good point! When asked for a recipe (công thức) for "jugged hare," Churchill replied "first, catch your hare." That said, this would be an interesting case for Parisa. The theft was violent (bạo lực) and from minimum wage earners - so let's hope for prosecution if the hare is caught.

IN 1747, an English woman published a cookbook in which a recipe for a hare dish began with the words, “First, catch your hare”. Likewise, in investigating (điều tra) the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 tragedy (thảm họa), Dutch prosecutors must first establish what radar guided the missile.

FIRST, catch your hare. Or peel it off the road, if you’re one of the pragmatic (thực dụng), prudent (cẩn trọng) few who see road kill as food. But be sure to wear a high-vis vest, check the animal’s eyes (you want clear, not milky) and avoid anything with maggots.

Ngọc Lân

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