2 ngón tay điêu luyện

ko phải điều các mem nghĩ trong đầu đâu nhé :D

dùng 2 ngón tay chọc vào mắt cá sấu để ko bị nó kéo xuống mương -> thoát chết...
Mark Johnson, 61, has lived his entire life around alligators (cá sấu). That's why he was so surprised when one tried to grab him and drag him into a canal (mương) behind his southeastern Port St. Lucie home.

Mark Johnson, 61, a marine artist from Port St. Lucie, is glad he can smile alongside his faithful golden retriever (chó tha mồi), Rex, after being grabbed by an alligator behind his home on Sept. 13, 2020.

"I've always thought I had a greater chance of encountering a rattlesnake (rắn chuông) on my morning walks than I did of being grabbed by an alligator," said Johnson, a marine artist and Florida native who was born and raised in Winter Garden, near Lake Apopka. "This was scary (làm sợ hãi, kinh hoàng, rùng rợn). I was cussing the gator out saying, 'You're not going to get me into the water.'"

Tags: skill

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